Legal Notice
All texts and links have been carefully checked and are updated on an ongoing basis. We make every effort to provide correct, complete information on this website, but can accept no responsibility or liability and cannot provide any guarantee that the information provided on this website, including any database entries, is correct, complete or up-to-date.
We reserve the right to modify this website at any time and without prior notification, and accept no obligation to update the information included. All links to external suppliers were checked for accuracy at the time they were published. However, we can accept no liability for the content and availability of websites that can be reached via hyperlinks.
The providers of sites linked are solely responsible for any illegal, erroneous or incomplete content and in particular for damages resulting from the unchecked use of the content of linked websites. In this respect, it does not matter whether the damages are direct, indirect or of a financial nature or any other kind of damages which may be caused by loss of data, loss of use or any other kind of reason.
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