Design and manufacture of electrical controls

The engineering expertise today spans from automation, control and drives technology, to remote control, remote maintenance, cloud and SCADA systems, to hydraulics and customized machine control panel solutions.

ATP Hydraulik designs and produces customized hydraulic systems, including electrical control with PLC and the necessary circuit boards. From simple terminal panels to complex control systems, from relay circuits via soft-start and frequency controlled units, to complex PLCs with touch panel operations.

We offer unparalleled support for the following applications: automation, drives engineering, control engineering, telecontrol engineering, remote maintenance, cloud solutions, SCADA systems.

Custom-designed controls with PLC and electronics.

New machine or conversion of an existing plant? We offer efficient and reliable solutions.

We combine engineering know-how and competence in electrical controls with experience in assembly, installation and commissioning.
By using innovative, high-quality electrical components, you will receive a complete system tailored to your needs.

We develop and implement integrated solutions, but also build single control cabinets, however, keep the glance on the whole process.

A quick realization and interchangeability with high availability and service life is guaranteed.

Electrical Controls

Software Development

Installation and Assembly
